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Image Loader Element

The Image Loader Element is a specialized element designed for dynamically loading images. It serves as a temporary container awaiting the display of the actual image.

Image Loader example
Image Loader example

Image Loader Element can be drawn by selecting the Image Loader tool from the Toolbar.

Image Loader tool
Image Loader tool

Image sizes

Each Image Loader Element has its own predefined width and height, within which the dynamic image will be displayed. Various image sizing options are supported within the Image Loader:

  • Original: Displays the image as it is.
  • Contain: Ensures the entire image is visible within the element.
  • Cover: Fills the entire element without distorting the image's aspect ratio.
  • Stretch: Stretches the image to fit the element, disregarding its aspect ratio.
  • Fit Width: Adjusts the image to fit the width of the element.
  • Fit Height: Adjusts the image to fit the height of the element.

Refer to the image below for a visual demonstration of how these sizing options function.

Different Image Loader sizes
Different Image Loader sizes